Centuries ago, when the earth was young, great feathered raptors held dominion over the land and sky. These majestic beasts ruled unchallenged for many years. Legends say their wing span could block out the sun, that their calls could be heard from across nations, and that they even possessed mysterious magical powers. Over time, these great creatures grew so many and so strong, that their power began to rival even that of the Gods.

As punishment for their insolence, the jealous deities cursed the great raptors, trapping their power and magic into a new, less threatening form. The mighty creatures fought back against the power of the united Gods, but to no avail.

With their last sentient breaths, the raptors cried out a warning to the petty Gods above. They swore that one of their future kin would find a way to break the curse, and lead them once more to power and vengeance. With their final words spent, the mighty raptors were transformed into small, flightless birds.

 Stripped of their powers and their strength, these ancient creatures lived on, oblivious to their own unique destiny. As the centuries passed, and their prison forms held, they devolved into the confused and angry beasts we now call turkeys.

 Confident once more in their own superiority, the Gods choose to give domain of the earth to the meeker, more subservient race of humans, on the condition that they work to prevent the ancient raptors from ever reclaiming power.

It is in gratitude for this gift, and recognition of this charge, that we celebrate Thanksgiving every year. On this day we consume the flesh of the once mighty raptors, both so that we might gain some of their past magnificence, but also to ensure they may never find their champion.

So eat and give thanks, for the world belongs to us… for now.

Nick Maskell